Today I’ll be showing you how to make a lettering piece with blended colors, like this one:

First, pick your colors and a colorless blender. I’m using Tombow dual brush pens, so I’m grabbing N00. Make sure one of the colors is lighter than the rest, like the yellow in the picture above. You can use as many colors as you want, or you can use 2 colors. I’m going to be using 3: yellow, orange, and a dark brown, for fall colors. (For the purposes of this post, I’ll be showing you how do do this with only one letter. Feel free to do this or write out a whole word!)
Next, write out your word or phrase in the lightest color, like this:

This will ensure that the other colors easily blend over the lighter one. Next, take your second lightest color, and color in the middle of your word. It should look something like this:

Take your colorless blender or a small brush with water on it, and blend the first two colors together. Using your third lightest color (or darkest color in my case) and fill in the bottom (or top, whichever direction your gradient goes) third of your word. Blend this with the second color you used.

The last step is optional, but I like to do it to ensure my lines look clean. That is to outline each letter in a thin black pen. This will make your letters look cleaner, but again, this is totally optional!!

And there it is! have fun with this, and experiment to see which colors work best together when blended, and create new gradients!
Thanks for reading, I hope you enjoyed this!!
(Tags: #lettering #tombow #handlettering)